Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc. Privacy Policy

The Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc. (The Friends) complies with Australian Privacy Principles set out in the Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988.

In particular it:—

  • only collects and uses personal information reasonably necessary to its activities and in ways people would accept as reasonable;
  • keeps personal information secure, accurate and up-to-date, complete and relevant;
  • destroys personal information securely when no longer required and checks computers before disposal to ensure the destruction of personal information;
  • does not pass on personal information to third parties without the consent of the individual, or where disclosure is required by law;
  • does not disclose personal information to overseas recipients; and
  • if requested, tells individuals the personal information held about them, explains the purposes for which it is collected and immediately corrects any errors that can be accurately demonstrated.


The Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne Inc. applies these principles to personal information held about members, staff and in relationships with other individuals such as students, artists and the owners of private gardens.

Responsible Person

The Friends’ Manager, Administration is the person responsible for ensuring the Privacy Policy is observed.


Complaints and/or questions relating to the Friends’ Privacy Policy should be directed in the first instance to the Secretary of the Friends.

Complaints may also be directed to the office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner, GPO Box 5218, SYDNEY NSW 1042 or Privacy hotline 1300 363 992.