
There are many opportunities for you to become more closely involved with the Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Melbourne. More than 200 of our members volunteer with us.

  • The Events Committee organise our schedule of activities and welcome people to events

  • Catering for events which includes booking catering and scheduling helpers to assist with set up and clean up at events

  • Plant Sales – help at the next Plant Sale in set up and sales

  • Hands on growing with our Growing Friends

  • Use your office skills at Gate Lodge: volunteers with computer and office skills are welcome

  • Join the Plant Craft Cottage Roster welcoming visitors to the cottage (one day a month) or help in the cottage garden

  • Help us to communicate with our local and wider community through social media

If you would like to volunteer with the Friends, email us at friends@rbgmelb.org.au or telephone our office at Gate Lodge on (03) 9650 6398.

Please also complete our Volunteer Application form and return to our office at friends@rbgmelb.org.au (or post to c/- Gate Lodge, 100 Birdwood Ave, Melbourne 3004).

All volunteers need to be members of the Friends.